Shortlist & Compare Facilities Management Software

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Over 875 Facilities Managers Have Used Us to Find a CAFM System For Their Single & Multi-Site Facilities

What Is Facilities Management Software?

Facilities Management Software is a digital platform that provides unique tools for property owners, landlords, and facility managers to help track, manage, and analyse their building’s operational data in one system. This allows them to:

  • Plan and schedule work orders
  • Track assets within buildings and between sites
  • Log jobs and schedule proactive maintenance
  • Efficiently plan and manage space
  • Meet health and safety compliance
  • Manage in-house/outsourced workforce and contractors
  • Track energy consumption and meet sustainability goals

Facilities Management Software - or Computer-Aided Facilities Management (CAFM Software) - is primarily designed to store all hard and soft FM and building maintenance data in a more organised and accessible system. This allows facility managers to oversee all activities to help improve quick and precise decision-making.

A CAFM system is beneficial when managing both single and multi-site facilities, with over 80% of software buyers responsible for more than 1 site.

Ultimately, Facilities Management Software is used to sustain the well-being of occupants, improve employee productivity, and implement a cost-efficient facility strategy by addressing key hard and soft FM tasks like security, maintenance, cleaning, catering, waste management, space management, and energy consumption.

CAFM systems are deployed in schools, hospitals, warehouses, commercial and office buildings, manufacturing plants, real estate property, and retail stores.

Facilities management software helps to manage a building's entire operations

What Are the Benefits of Using Facilities Management Software?

Paperless Work Order Assignment & Planning

Facility managers receive multiple work order requests throughout a single day, which can be overwhelming when working with spreadsheets or notepads. With access to a CAFM system, however, work order management becomes a lot easier. Particularly when assigning, planning, and scheduling work orders.

A CAFM system provides FMs with maintenance data, contractor and technician information, and real-time job-tracking capabilities to help carry out planned maintenance, inspections, safety checks, and equipment repairs as efficiently as possible. From one dashboard, they can:

  • Prioritise maintenance jobs
  • See what labour and workforces are available
  • Assign the right skilled professionals
  • Allocate work to field engineers and external contractors
  • Schedule regular tasks such as cleaning and landscaping

Keep Track of Your Facility Assets

From schools and hospitals to offices and manufacturing plants, building spaces are packed full of valuable, moveable, and physical assets. Facilities Management Software has the asset tracking capabilities to ensure greater visibility when it comes to managing assets. Facility assets come in the form of common appliances, desks, printers, computers, tools, safety equipment, mobile devices, keys, and vehicles.

As well as tracking physical assets through the use of IoT devices and tagging options (such as Barcodes, RFID tags, and GPS trackers), asset tracking functions enable FMs to create an asset register that tracks the asset life cycle, maintenance, and depreciation values of each asset.

Track & Log Jobs in Real-Time

Modern CAFM systems come with built-in job-tracking capabilities. This allows facility managers to log and track jobs in real-time to improve their workforce management - whether in-house or outsourced. This allows FMs to:

  • Log new maintenance jobs
  • Get real-time reporting
  • Track job statuses
  • Produce digital checklists for engineers

Schedule Planned Preventive Maintenance

Facilities Management Software makes it easy for FMs to plan and schedule a building’s maintenance activities. By collecting and reporting on maintenance and usage data, facility managers can report on when maintenance is required, how much it will cost, and how long it will be down. This streamlined approach allows for a planned preventative approach to maintenance - also known as PPM.

Preventive maintenance strategies can considerably reduce repair and breakdown costs and help avoid downtime of assets. In particular, equipment that promotes a good workplace environment such as HVAC units, elevators, and waste systems. Equipment downtime costs facilities between 5% and 20% of their productive capacity.

Discover the benefits of a PPM strategy

Ensure Health & Safety In the Workplace

Health and safety protocols are in place to protect the well-being of employees and ensure the workplace is safe. Facilities Management Software makes it easier to conduct regular risk assessments of a building that focus on top health and safety challenges such as fire safety, electrical and gas, access to drinking water, and asbestos. Routine safety inspections can also be logged to ensure the safety of occupants.

Connecting & Leveraging IoT With Facilities Management Software

CAFM systems have the functionality to store data that has been collected from IoT devices situated around a facility. Each system can link to temperature and vibration sensors, security RIFD tags, smart energy metres, space monitoring tools, and more. This makes it ideal for implementing condition-based or preventative maintenance strategies. As well as ensuring occupier well-being targets are being met when it comes to space management and design.

Carefully Plan, Design, & Manage Space

Effectively managing facility space requires multiple actions and data collecting. Including occupancy tracking, room scheduling, and space management. With Facilities Management Software, data is stored in one accessible system, allowing facility managers to organise, plan, and supervise physical spaces. With the goal to improve occupant productivity and well-being.

Video: Head of Workspace Solutions, Laura Wright, talks about the importance of prioritising space planning to reduce silos and bring office employees together in communal areas.

Space management capabilities are particularly handy for real estate and commercial properties such as office workplaces and self-storage facilities. Effective space management means large spaces don’t go unused, resulting in reduced costs. A CAFM system also provides an easy way to identify floor layouts for occupants and equipment to see when a room is over-occupied or underutilised.

Learn how to utilise your space management

Track Energy Consumption

Building owners are faced with unpredictable and often volatile energy consumption costs, with fuel bills increasing by 54% between 2021 and 2022. Depending on the size, a business’s annual energy bill ranges from £4,837 to £14,124. The best way to get a handle on energy usage and costs is by tracking consumption in a facility management system.

With the use of trackers and smart metres, FMs can identify where the most energy is being used and why. This helps to curb usage through a facility and helps promote a greener and more sustainable facility operation.

Learn how to manage your energy consumption

What Are the Core Features of Facilities Management Software?

Planned & Preventive Maintenance Management

Planned & Preventive Maintenance Management

PPM tools allow facility managers to schedule maintenance tasks such as weekly equipment safety checks, monthly HVAC inspections, and yearly roof inspections. This helps reduce reactive facility maintenance costs, unplanned downtime of equipment (which costs an estimated £38 million yearly), and improve workplace health and safety.

Inspection & Compliance Checks

Inspection & Compliance Checks

Using automated checklists and alerts with Facilities Management Software, facility managers can ensure a building meets regulatory standards and safety requirements.

Job Logging, Scheduling & Assignment

Job Logging, Scheduling & Assignment

A CAFM system offers the functionality to streamline facility work orders by providing easy job logging capabilities, with the ability to assign the right personnel or contractor to the corresponding job.

Health & Safety Compliance Management

Health & Safety Management

Health & safety checklists ensure a building is in line with relevant regulations and standards, whether local, governing, or industry-specific. These cover building regulations, fire safety, waste management, and emergency preparedness.

Workforce/Contractor Management

Workforce/Contractor Management

Whether operating with an integrated FM provider or managing a team of outsourced contractors, a CAFM system provides the functionalities for overseeing all roles and responsibilities for maintaining and managing a facility.

Dashboards & Data Reporting

Dashboards & Data Reporting

The dashboards and data analysis built into Facilities Management Software provide insight for landlords and FMs into KPIs, building performance, energy tracking, completion metrics, and more. Seeing where areas can be improved and what areas are the least efficient.

Asset Tracking & Inventory Management

Asset Tracking & Inventory Management

Linking an asset tagging system - whether Barcode or RFID - with a CAFM system provides detailed reporting on the monitoring and managing of a building’s physical assets and resources.

Workspace Management

Workspace Management

Workspace management tools help to boost employee productivity and well-being through room booking, space planning, and floor layout design. This helps to better utilise the layout and efficiency of a workspace, in particular offices.

CAD & BIM Integration

CAD & BIM Integration

A facilities management system can incorporate all building information including that of CAD and BIM programs, displaying 2D and 3D modelling of building components for better maintenance planning.

What Buildings & Facilities Can Best Utilise Facilities Management Software?

Office Buildings

Facility Management Software provides the tools that enable office managers to improve and statin the productivity and well-being of office employees. From managing budgets and booking meeting rooms to refilling office supplies and maintaining IT equipment; an office manager can benefit from the use of a CAFM system. 73% of employees said well-managed office spaces helped them perform better.

Warehousing & Logistics

With CAFM Software, warehouse managers can ensure they’re compliant with health and safety measures while also running a more cost-effective operation. A sophisticated building management system is particularly useful for outsourced supply chains, allowing floor managers to plan and schedule cleaning, fire safety, and hygiene solutions.

Residential & Housing

A Facilities Management Software tool can be to landlords, tenants, estate agents, and management companies, allowing for better communication when it comes to managing residential facilities. This allows for greater efficiency over cleaning services, property landscaping, pest control, and maintenance (such as lifts and roof repairs).

Schools & Education Facilities

A digital building management solution provides a better opportunity for schools to perform facilities management within a limited budget. By effectively managing the condition of school buildings and sites, providing teachers with the right teaching equipment, and improving the safety of pupils, the overall teaching environment and level of education can benefit.

Learn more about how schools can leverage CAFM Software

Brick & Mortar Retailers

Facilities management goes a long way to improving the customer and POS experience when implemented in retail stores. Shop managers can plan and schedule cleaning and maintenance during out-of-work hours. Ensuring the shop floor is clean and safe for customers while keeping restrooms and amenities available for employees.

Hospitals & Healthcare

The regular scheduling of cleaning and hygiene services is paramount in healthcare settings. Hospital and ward managers can use CAFM Software for work order assignment and planning to ensure clean and safe environments, which contributes to better patient care. Users can also track valuable medical equipment and manage the correct disposal of medical waste.

Video: David Jones talks about the best practices for setting a good FM culture in the healthcare sector and how to drive team appreciation alongside doctors and nurses.

Industrial & Manufacturing Plants

Like most facilities, a Plant Manager will use Facilities Management Software to plan for cleaning and safety services. They must ensure the health and safety of both employees and visitors while also implementing security controls. This helps to keep a plant running at its most efficient and productive.

Who Can Use and Access Your CAFM System?

Facilities Management Software can be as accessible or restricted as you want it to be. Access can be given to dedicated personnel regarding reports, maintenance plans, work order data, and contractor information.

Senior Figures

Senior Figures

• Building Owners• Property Owners
• Landlords• Facility Directors/Managers
• Estate Managers• Tenants
Back Office Team

Back Office Staff

• Administrators• Receptionists
• Assistants• Office Managers
• Space Managers• Coordinators
Field Staff and Contractors

Field Staff & Contractors

• Engineers• Technicians
• Electricians• Plumbers
• Cleaners• Landscapers/Gardeners
• Security staff• Catering teams

Why FMs Are Ditching Excel Spreadsheets & How to Migrate Data to Your CAFM System

Facility managers opt to manage their building’s hard and soft FM tasks in Excel spreadsheets for three reasons:

  • They’re cheap to use with no upfront or running costs (in the short term)
  • Spreadsheets are familiar among all staff and contractors who use them
  • They’re easy to use with multiple user tutorials available online

In 2021, it was estimated that two-thirds of facility managers use spreadsheets. Over half (56%) of CAFM Software buyers who have used Comparesoft use either spreadsheets, pen and paper, or digital forms for managing their hard and soft FM activities. While 32% used just Excel spreadsheets.

But Excel spreadsheets have several pitfalls, the main disadvantage being their proneness to errors. 90% of spreadsheets with over 150 rows of data have at least one major mistake.

On top of this, it’s a spreadsheet’s lack of scalability, collaboration, and real-time automation capabilities that make CAFM Software appealing to FMs. Instead, a CAFM system can:

  • Combine CAD drawings, BIM models, pdf. files, work orders, asset data, and more in one dashboard
  • Provide an overview of all hard and soft FM tasks
  • Managing internal and external technicians and work orders in one place
  • Oversee contract management of outsourced activities including jobs scheduled, assigned workers, and monthly/annual costs

There are three driving factors for CAFM system adoption among facility managers;

  • 68% want to drive efficiency
  • 43% want more digital innovation
  • 39% see CAFM as a way to ensure workplace safety

Once a building has its new CAFM system, FMs must start migrating data from existing Excel spreadsheets. To do this, there are five steps:

1. Review, Cleanse, and Backup Existing Data

  • Remove redundant and duplicate entries
  • Verify data for accuracy
  • Standardise field names and entries
  • Create backup files of Excel data to account for any information loss during migration

2. Export Excel Data In a Compatible Format

Depending on how your chosen CAFM system operates, Excel spreadsheet data can be exported into files such as CSV and XLS.

3. Map Existing Data

Creating a mapping document ensures all data fields and entries from your Excel files correspond to those in your new CAFM system.

4. Import Data Into Your CAFM system

Use the mapping document to ensure data migration is successful. Migration can be done in-house, through external sources, or by your CAFM Software vendor.

5. Review and Verify Data

Once the data migration is complete, review data migration results to ensure it has been imported correctly and make corrections where necessary.

8 Tips For Finding and Implementing the Right Facilities Management Software

1. Actively Seek Out a Free Trial or Live Demo

Accessing free trials and live demos can make the difference between choosing vendor ‘A’ over vendor ‘B’. Usually, an online demo will be the first interaction with a product and may be accompanied by a salesperson willing to answer your questions. You can use a free trial to highlight a product’s strengths and weaknesses and help to understand if the product will meet your facilitie's management goals.

2. Consider All Key Areas of Facilities Management Software

Key areas to consider from a CAFM system include:

  • A clear user interface that is easy to navigate
  • Desired features
  • Support team information
  • Training (either video tutorials or web-based classes)
  • A vendor’s prior experience in the same industry
  • GDPR compliance with occupant and personnel data

3. Cross-Check With Your Requirements

You need to be sure that a CAFM product will match your initial requirements. This can be done by cross-checking each requirement and asking questions like;

  • Can the product provide the right features to improve workflow and communication?
  • Does it offer the right reporting tools to track and reduce ongoing costs?
  • Will it provide a notification-style system that alerts staff to work orders?
  • Can the system migrate occupant, equipment, and maintenance data?
  • Can it work with IoT-enabled devices, such as GPS trackers and smart heating systems, to provide real-time data?
  • Is it a cloud-based solution that allows personnel to access data via a mobile device?

4. Ask About Prices, Plans, and Hidden Costs

For a greater return on investment, a product shouldn’t cost more than it can provide. You should seek out pricing plans for each product as well as highlight extra fees for factors such as data storage limits and implementation.

5. Enquire About CAFM System Deployment Timescales

Deploying Facilities Management Software can be a lengthy process. It requires data to be migrated, employees to be trained, and systems to be updated. Timescales can be extended if it is being deployed across multiple buildings.

6. Know What Employee Training Is Available

Training can be time-consuming, but it’s an important part of deploying a new CAFM tool. To ensure a business is getting the most from its product, all staff need to know how to use it. This not only requires time but can also be an extra expense.

7. Does It Integrate With Other CAFM Systems?

Most Facilities Management Software can be integrated with other tools such as CAD and BIM systems, email programs, calendars, and data storage. Integrating a new system can provide various challenges including time constraints and further employee training.

8. Can You Migrate Existing Facilities Data?

A building owner has various amounts of facility management data to hand. Whether that be floor plans, occupant data, or contractor information. Migrating that data to a new system can be time-consuming, especially if existing data is stored in files, on spreadsheets, or on notepads.

Listen to FM Experts on The Comparesoft Facility Management Podcast

Facilities Management at Just Eat

Ep 1: Facilities Management at Just Eat

Marc Fletcher & Steven Downie combine their 35 years of experience in facilities management to talk about their roles as Senior & Regional Facilities Managers at Just Eat

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FM Culture, Plans & Maintenance on the London Cable Car

Ep 2: FM Culture, Plans & Maintenance on the London Cable Car

Bhavin Patel talks about the importance of FM culture, plans, and maintenance activities at Mace Operate when working on the flagship London Cable Car project.

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Maintenance Expertise at Rolls-Royce, TIMET & Doncasters Group with Kamran Zamir

Ep 3: Maintenance Expertise at Rolls-Royce, TIMET & Doncasters Group with Kamran Zamir

Kamran R. Zamir provides expertise in the best Facilities Management Software practices from experiences at Rolls-Royce, TIMET, and his current role at Doncasters Group.

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FM Maintenance at Man City FC, The Ivy & Flight Club Darts - vertical

Ep 4: FM & Maintenance at Man City FC, The Ivy & Flight Club Darts

Louis Atkins shares expert tips and advice from his time at Manchester City Football Club, The Ivy, and his current role as Facilities Manager at Red Engine Team - the team behind Flight Club Darts & Electric Shuffle.

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FM Challenges In a Harsh UAE Climate & the Future of CAFM

Ep 5: FM Challenges In a Harsh UAE Climate & the Future of CAFM

Trevor Bundas shares his expert insight on the challenges of facility management in one of the harshest climates on the planet, as well as touching on the future of CAFM technology and why data collection is the most valuable part of an FM's job.

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Ensuring Compliance of Victorian-Era Buildings for the NHS Through FM

Ep 6: Ensuring Compliance of Victorian-Era Buildings for the NHS Through FM

Warren Duffy, Head of Estates at Manchester University NHS Trust, explains the challenges associated with maintaining buildings of varying ages while detailing how playing amateur rugby has helped to build a happy and trustworthy on-site culture.

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Managing NML's 21 Heritage Buildings & 4 Million Museum Collections

Ep 7: Managing NML's 21 Heritage Buildings & 4 Million Museum Collections

Edward Taylor-Robinson, Head of Estates for National Museums Liverpool, shares his experience of ensuring compliance and health and safety with Facilities Management Software for 21 heritage buildings that support over 4 million collections as well as the detailed processes involved when hosting exhibitions.

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A Hands-On Approach to Sustainable FM at Greenpeace UK

Ep 8: A Hands-On Approach to Sustainable FM at Greenpeace UK

Christopher Ali shares his views on to-do lists, calendars, and daily building walk-rounds as he explains how to "put your ego aside" when it comes to sustainably-led decision-making in his role as Facilities Manager at Greenpeace UK.

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How to Build a Positive FM Environment With MCFM Global Founder

Ep 9: How to Build a Positive FM Environment With MCFM Global Founder

Maxcene Crowe, facilities industry expert and founder at MCFM Global, explores the importance of openness, transparency, and improving an engineer's communication skills when it comes to building a positive FM environment.

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The Ins & Outs of Planning & Managing Dark Kitchens at Honest Burgers

Ep 10: The Ins & Outs of Planning & Managing Dark Kitchens at Honest Burgers

Thomas Maynard, Head Of Maintenance & Facilities at Honest Burgers, explains the importance of communication between all stakeholders when planning a second dark kitchen build in Canary Wharf.

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Working with EAs & PAs to Coordinate FM Tasks for VIP Visits

Ep 11: Working with EAs & PAs to Coordinate FM Tasks for VIP Visits

Oliver Boote, UK Facilities Manager for the Colt portfolio at Mace, talks about the importance of liaising with employees in preparation for big events and how his team uses Workplace to drive FM appreciation.

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Driving Appreciation for FMs Who Strive Towards Global Solutions

Ep 12: Driving Appreciation for FMs Who Strive Towards Global Solutions

Chris Jeffers, Projects Director at Mott MacDonald, explains how business can and need to drive appreciation for facility managers who play pivotal roles in global solutions such as climate change by investing in Facilities Management Software.

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4 Pillars of Communication & Delivering FM Services to the Crown Estate

Ep 13: 4 Pillars of Communication & Delivering FM Services to the Crown Estate

Tarniah Thompson, Head of FM and Sustainability at SHW, reveals the four key pillars of communication used to help build FM culture during her time at Co-op, SHW, and when delivering FM services to the Crown Estate.

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Battling Budgets & Ageing Estates for Smart FM Tech In the NHS

Ep 14: Battling Budgets & Ageing Estates for Smart FM Tech In the NHS

Experienced NHS FT Director of Estates and Facilities David Jones talks about the ongoing challenges of managing facilities, budgets, and staff in an environment still coping with the COVID-19 pandemic as well as touching on budgeting battles when introducing connected FM technologies into ageing healthcare environments.

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Prioritising Employee Well-Being in the Workplace

Ep 15: Prioritising Employee Well-Being in the Workplace

Laura Wright, Head of Workplace Solutions at Abri, talks about how successful people management strategies help to improve employee well-being in the office in a post-COVID world that has seen a shift in the way employees work from office-based to hybrid and remote working.

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Prioritising Employee Well-Being in the Workplace

Ep 16: Embracing Rapid Tech Evolutions to Enhance Estates Management in Schools

Rachel Green, the Director of Estates and Facilities at the Girls Learning Trust, explains the importance of adaptability and resilience in the FM environment to help embrace the advancements in AI in schools.

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The Journey to Building the World’s Smartest Campuses at Edgbaston and Dubai

Ep 17: The Journey to Building the World’s Smartest Campuses at Edgbaston and Dubai

Trevor Payne, the Director of Estates at University of Birmingham, talks about leading the project to provide the World's first smart campuses in the UK and Dubai while providing a first-hand perspective on FM carbon management and sustainability in higher education.

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The Role of FM in Supply Chain Management & Meeting ESG Goals

Ep 18: The Role of FM in Supply Chain Management & Meeting ESG Goals

Karl Haynes, the Site Facilities Manager at GXO Logistics, explores the importance of customer service in supply chain management and setting ESG goals in innovative digital warehouses.

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10 Years in Hospitality FM From Grade I Listed Hotels to Richard Branson's Moskito Island

Ep 19: 10 Years in Hospitality FM From Grade I Listed Hotels to Richard Branson's Moskito Island

Charlie Wilson, the Head of Property and Estates at Gaucho and M Restaurants, talks us through the post-pandemic challenges in the hospitality industry, the risks associated with FM in Grade I listed buildings, and why you should never ignore your LinkedIn messages.

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Managing the Upkeep of Teaching Environments & Boarding Accommodation On a 40-Acre Site

Ep 20: Managing the Upkeep of Teaching Environments & Boarding Accommodation On a 40-Acre Site

Tim Peacock, the Director of Estates and Facilities at Sherborne Girls School, explains how working with the pathology and history of older buildings is key to managing and maintaining the upkeep of a 40-acre site with both educational buildings and boarding accommodation, with Facilities Management Software.

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Striving For Predictive Patient Care While Maintaining 9 Hospitals & 5000 Beds at Serco Health

Ep 21: Striving For Predictive Patient Care While Maintaining 9 Hospitals & 5000 Beds at Serco Health

Tim Peacock, the Director of Estates and Facilities at Sherborne Girls School, explains how working with the pathology and history of older buildings is key to managing and maintaining the upkeep of a 40-acre site with both educational buildings and boarding accommodation.

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Learn More About Using Facilities Management Software

What Is a Facility Manager: Roles, Responsibilities & Importance to Building Operations

24th Jan 2024

Discover how the role and responsibilities of a Facilities Manager (FM) can help drive workplace productivity and increase efficiency within your property.

Utilising Office Management Tools to Ease Workload & Improve Workplace Environment

7th Jan 2024

See how an all-in-one Facilities Management Software can be utilised for your multiple office management tasks to reduce an Office Manager’s workload.

Embracing Energy Management to Control Costs & Consumption

30th Jan 2023

6 tips to control your energy management consumption and reduce soaring energy costs including using a building energy management system.

Why School Facilities Management Is Important & Best CAFM Tools On a Budget

30th Jan 2024

To improve the teaching environment and the level of education provided to pupils, schools need to budget for Facilities Management Software.

The Secret to Reducing Building Maintenance Costs with CAFM Software

26th May 2020

Discover how a CAFM system coupled with preventive maintenance can help reduce the building maintenance costs that are impacting your bottom line.

Space Management In the Workplace & Best Ways to Implement Successful Strategies

27th Jul 2023

See the 5 most effective ways to improving your building’s workspace management with the use of a Computer-Aided Facilities Management (CAFM) solution.

FM Services: What’s the Difference & Why It’s Important to Manage Your Hard FM and Soft FM Services

6th Feb 2023

Learn the difference between Hard and Soft Facilities Management services & how to manage each one with Facilities Management Software.

Facilities Management Market Report and Insights for 2022

27th Jul 2022

The Comparesoft CAFM market & insights report provides the latest trends, user requirements, and gaps in the facilities management market.

How Integrated Facilities Management Compares to Other In-House & Out-Tasking Strategies (And Is It the Best?)

18th Jan 2024

Rising costs, siloed data, and overseeing multiple service contracts are just three reasons why property owners choose to consolidate their FM services under one provider, known as Integrated Facilities Management (IFM).

HVAC Maintenance: How Regular Upkeep Impacts the Workplace & Why It’s Essential

30th Jan 2024

Having a properly maintained HVAC system, running at optimal capacity through regular proactive HVAC maintenance and energy tracking tools such as CAFM Software, is essential for providing a healthy working environment where employees can thrive.

Why Grounds Maintenance Software Is Key For FMs & How to Plan Your Grounds Tasks

15th May 2024

Grounds Maintenance and Landscaping are recognised as the most important soft facilities management tasks among CAFM Software buyers (22%). That’s more than waste management, catering services, cleaning services, pest control, and security.

Facilities Management Software FAQs


How Much Does Facilities Management Software Cost?

The cost of Facilities Management Software ranges from £99 per month to £260 per month. The mid-point - or industry average - cost of purchasing CAFM Software is around £1900, or £161 per month.

Most facility management vendors will charge a fee based on the number of users, included features, and deployment type (mobile, cloud-based, on-premise, etc.).

Structured payment options (per user or device) are also available and provide a favourable cost solution, particularly for FMs that are responsible for 1–2 sites. With a structured pricing solution, the lowest cost for Facilities Management Software is just £1 per device, per month.


What Is the Difference Between a CAFM System and a CMMS?

A CAFM system is implemented to assist facility managers with automating various facility management tasks. A CMMS, on the other hand, has a more narrow focus on providing tools for the management of maintenance within a building.

Although there are similarities between Computer-aided Facilities Management software and a Computerised Maintenance Management System (CMMS), there are also critical differences between the two when deploying them in the facility management industry.

A CMMS system includes features for:

  • Work order management
  • Building preventative maintenance schedules
  • Providing maintenance reports for technicians
  • Tracking machine and equipment repair history

What Does CAFM Stand For?

CAFM is short for Computer-Aided Facilities Management. It is essentially the action of performing facilities management with the support of IT tools. CAFM is used by facility managers to assist them with the planning of facilities management tasks with the objective being to streamline workflow and improve workplace efficiency.


What Are the Different Deployment Options for Facilities Management Software?

There are two main Facilities Management Software deployment options; cloud-based and on-premise. Cloud-based Facility Management Software is a SaaS solution where the software is owned and provided by a third-party vendor. Whereas an on-premise CAFM system is owned by the business and operated from on-site by purchasing specific infrastructure.

CAFM Software vendors will also introduce other forms of deployment and usage methods such as web-based, mobile, and app-based.


Is Facilities Management Software Necessary For a Small Business?

Although Facilities Management Software provides the tools for a small business to succeed, it isn’t always a necessity. Whether responsible for one site or a handful of rooms, small business owners should weigh up if using a CAFM tool will generate a good return on investment.

For small businesses, it’s important to consider other tools besides software - such as spreadsheets, as they may not have a use for the features of a software solution. Spreadsheets are also cheaper, easy to use, and can cover the most basic FM services.

Key benefits of CAFM for small businesses include:

Delegating Duties to Focus on Business Operations

Whether you’re a small business of under 20 employees or under 5 employees, there’s a lot of work that needs to go into effectively managing and maintaining facilities. And, most of the time, all of these responsibilities fall to one or two people. But, with a CAFM tool, managers are able to delegate duties to other staff or outsourced teams. This produces an organised structure within the workplace and promotes a more coordinated effort to help the business grow.

Reducing Downtime of Business-Critical Assets

Some facilities management solutions are coupled with an asset management tool, which is valuable for keeping business-critical assets working at an optimal level and avoiding unplanned downtime.

Storing Data Regarding Outsourced Facilities Management Teams

As most small businesses employ only a handful of staff, the need to outsource certain maintenance and management tasks is unavoidable. This can include anything from cleaning services and building maintenance, to waste management and catering. By having a facilities management tool, you’re able to store all data regarding tasks that have been outsourced. These include outsourced personnel details, maintenance schedules, and support channels.


Can Other Systems Be Integrated With Facilities Management Software?

Most Facilities Management Software vendors provide the capabilities for system integration. This allows a CAFM system to become a central hub for data management. Integrated systems include:

  • Building Management Systems (BMS)
  • Security systems
  • Accounting//ERP systems
  • HR Software
  • IoT sensor integration
  • Third-party integration

Which Is Best For My Business, Facilities Management Software or Asset Management Software?

Core Functions of Asset Management Software

The main function of an asset management system is to track, measure and analyse the complete value that is provided by all assets throughout the company - both tangible and intangible. The typical functions of an asset manager, include:

  • Maximising ROI of assets
  • Improving maintenance efficiency
  • Tracking asset lifecycle from acquisition to disposal
  • To achieve profitability objectives by minimising expenditure

Core Functions of CAFM Software

Although a focus on assets in crucial for a facility manager, their priority is to improve productivity and efficiency within the workplace. While also handling workplace needs and demands. Typical functions of a facility manager, include:

  • Optimising the work environment
  • To utilise all assets that support the business’s operations
  • Focusing on end-user needs throughout the workplace
  • To effectively manage corporate social responsibility initiatives

Can I track My Facility Management Processes on a Mobile Device?

With a mobile CAFM system, FMs can access data such as maintenance schedules, contact numbers of outsourced personnel, space utilisation, and energy-use statistics from anywhere at any time.

When using a cloud-based or web-based Facilities Management Software, you’re able to access all facility data via a mobile device. This could be your smartphone, tablet, laptop or other specific hardware. The ability to do so grants you and other teams members access to data when on the move and in the field. This is particularly handy if you need instant access to the system but are not within a distance of your work desktop.


Can I Outsource FM Services Using a CAFM System?

Facility Management Software allows FMs to store and access all outsourced data from one single dashboard. This provides an overview of technician information, work order progress, and budgets.

By choosing to outsource facilities management processes (outsourced FM), you’re transferring the decision-making to third-party outsiders. When outsourced effectively, this can lead to better efficiency around the workplace and a general improvement of skills within the organisation.

Outsourcing FM processes with a CAFM can benefit businesses in a number of different ways. Including:

Saving Time and Money

Taking staff training and operating costs into consideration, in-house facility management can be an expensive outgoing. Although outsourcing would require payments, these would be considerably lower in comparison.

Staying Flexible With Staff

Particular facility management processes are only required on a seasonal or cyclical basis, such as building and ground maintenance. So, instead of hiring staff and keeping them around just in case, processes such as these can be outsourced.

Providing an Increase in Service Quality

Outsourcing your processes and jobs to an experienced facilities management service provider will guarantee that the job gets done as intended. This experience proves crucial to making sure only the best maintenance staff and engineers are kept on the premises.


Can BIM and CAD Files Be Used With Facilities Management Software?

Moden CAFM software offers many benefits to an FM manager, including allowing the integration of multiple third-party applications. These can be email programs, data storage, fleet management tools, Building Information Modelling (BIM) services and Computer-aided Design (CAD) applications.

Having the option to use third-party tools with a newly installed FM solution can be beneficial in a number of ways, including:

  • Offering more tools for accurate data collection and analytics
  • Saving costs by not disregarding previous tool purchases
  • Being able to keep using tools that are already familiar with employees
  • Keeping a familiar workflow of orders and processes

Two applications that are beneficial to an FM manager are CAD and BIM services. These tools are used frequently throughout the facilities industry and provide greater efficiency for data and maintenance management when used with a CAFM solution.

How Do CAD and 3D Modelling Tools Benefit FM Managers

Computer-aided Design and 3D modelling tools are used to assist architects and other professionals in the design of buildings and space. These applications provide a variety of imagery and simulations, allowing a large amount of a building’s technical data to be stored.

As well as architects, a CAD system can be a useful tool for an FM manager as well. With access, they’re able to:

  • View premises layout plans
  • Produce scenario modelling
  • See blueprints for occupation designs
  • Track cabling control
  • View floor plans
  • See building and property information for better maintenance control

How Do BIM Services Benefit FM Managers?

Contrary to popular belief, knowledge of CAD or other 3D modelling tools aren’t required in order to use BIM. Now a mandatory requirement for public sector projects, Business Information Modelling is a process of using computer models to help design, construct and maintain a building.

By integrating a BIM system with your CAFM tool, FM managers are able to reap benefits such as:

  • Reducing costs at the delivery and operational stages of a building
  • Improving efficiency in communications and work orders throughout departments
  • Accessing asset profiles for each modelling object to gain greater maintenance insight
  • Gain awareness of asset and equipment location
  • Improve the health and safety of occupants with predicted scenarios
  • Being involved in the early stages of space planning

What Computer-Aided Facilities Management Software Functions Can Help Control Churn Expenses?

A computer-aided facilities management tool is packed full of features and functionality to help FMs and executives gain a greater understanding of their expenses. This includes identifying how much re-locating employees is costing and understanding the business’s total churn rate percentage.

With the right FM solution, you’ll be able to:

  • Gain a holistic view of all spaces and amenities such as workstations and data cabling outputs
  • Manage and track assets to reduce wait time and easily locate equipment or furniture as they move between workstations
  • Schedule and plan for moves in the building
  • Outsource maintenance tasks to reliable technicians
  • Increase efficiency of move management and space planning through applications such as CAD and BIM

What Is Churn?

Most facility managers will have experienced and dealt with the relocation of occupants within the workplace; also knows as churn. But, without the use of computer-aided facilities management software, many FMs are unaware of their exact churn rate and the expenses that come with it.

A building’s churn rate is presented as a percentage to indicate the total amount of employees or occupants that have been moved workspace. For example, if 300 occupants move workstations in an office building that has a total of 1000 people, that building’s churn rate is 30%.

Although businesses may strive for a lower churn rate resulting in fewer bottom-line expenses, there can be some benefits to having a higher churn rate. One advantage is being able to implement the latest workspace trends, such as effective move management through hot desking.

Currently, the median churn rate for Corporate America organisations is 45%. But some facilities tend to experience percentage rates much higher than this, such as 100% to 200%. On the other hand, there are many facilities that experience low churn rates. Although this may seem ideal, it usually means there are moves taking place that aren’t tracked or FMs aren’t aware of.

Depending on your focus as either a dynamic workplace setting or a more stable business with long-term goals, poor management of your facility’s churn rate can be costly. For instance:

  • You’re unaware if you have a high or low churn rate percentage
  • You are damaging your chances of implementing positive and progressive changes in the workplace
  • You’re unaware of the huge expenses associated with occupants moving from one location to another

What Are the Costs of Churn In a Facility?

Whether an employee has relocated due to a company-wide restructuring or because of business downsizing, the costs incurred can be huge.

These types of costs can also depend on the different elements and types of churn. For example, box moves (occupants moving to existing workstations in the facility) average a cost of $160 per move. Whereas furniture moves (reconfiguration of existing furniture or the addition of new fixings) average a cost of $729 per move.

One ‘soft cost’ that can damage a business’s bottom-line as a result of churn is downtime. This occurs when an employee has relocated in the premises but is without the necessary tools to continues working. Such as waiting for the right data and network cabling to be operational.

As well as ‘soft costs’, the relocating process will incur expensive ‘hard costs’. Such as:

  • Labour rates
  • Extra materials needed
  • Wall constructions
  • Technician support for cabling

How Can CAFM Software Reduce Churn Expenses?

A computer-aided facilities management tool is packed full of features and functionality to help FMs and executives gain a greater understanding regarding their expenses. This includes identifying how much re-locating employees is costing and understanding the business’s total churn rate percentage.

With the right FM solution, you’ll be able to:

  • Gain a holistic view of all spaces and amenities such as workstations and data cabling outputs
  • Manage and track assets to reduce wait time and easily locate equipment or furniture as they move between workstations
  • Schedule and plan for moves in the building
  • Outsource maintenance tasks to reliable technicians
  • Increase efficiency of move management and space planning through applications such as CAD and BIM

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