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What Is ERP Software?

Enterprise Resource Planning Software, or ERP Software, is a system that integrates multiple modules (like accounting, HR, supply chain, and manufacturing) to improve the flow of data between functions and departments.

Having critical business data in one source of truth, an ERP system aims to promote quick, accurate decision-making and streamlined operations through automated workflows.

A modern cloud-based ERP system will offer:

  • Enterprise Planning
  • Enterprise Budgeting
  • Enterprise Accounting
  • Enterprise Procurement
  • Enterprise Project Management
  • Enterprise Project Management
  • Enterprise Compliance Management
  • Enterprise Supply Chain Management
  • Enterprise Workforce Management

Enterprise Planning Is Used For:

  • Financial planning
  • Supply chain planning
  • Workforce planning

Enterprise Budgeting finds its use in:

  • CAPEX (Capital Expenditure) budgeting
  • OPEX (Operational Expenditure) budgeting
  • Buffer budgeting for unknowns in a fiscal year
  • International Financial Reporting Standards Foundation (IFRS)
  • Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB)
  • Generally Accepted Accounting Principles in the United States (GAAP)
  • HGB in Germany and PCG in France
  • US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)
  • European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA)

Enterprise Procurement Is Used For:

  • Human resource management
  • Employee well-being monitoring
  • Human resource upskilling

Enterprise Project Management is used for:

  • Internal project management
  • Acquisition projects
  • Departmental projects
  • Strategic projects
  • Change management
  • Short-term projects

Enterprise Risk Management is often used to:

  • Document risks
  • Grade risks
  • Project Risks
  • Navigate risks with risk mitigation actions
  • Correlate risk dependencies
  • Fully understand the detailed impact if the risk events happen

Enterprise Compliance Management is used for:

  • Define internal and external compliance factors
  • Understand planned vs actual compliance
  • Understand non-compliant areas
  • Procedure to adopt if compliance is not met

Enterprise Supply Chain Management is used for:

  • Map the process from the production of goods to the delivery of goods
  • Adjust for just-in-time (JIT) availability of raw materials
  • Interlink between supply chain production processes
  • Define parameters of goods/raw material acceptance

Workforce Management Is Used For:

  • Managing internal and external workforces on site, plant, or other locations
  • Assigning workforces to a project
  • Time and labour management
  • Define permit-to-work conditions
  • Monitor health and safety conditions in the workplace

How Does an ERP System Work?

An ERP system acts as a data and information pipeline across all (or chosen) functions of your business. 95% of businesses that adopt an ERP system see an immediate operational improvement.

It works by collecting datasets from business processes and displaying data in real time via dashboards and workflows. An ERP then recommends automation procedures through predictive analytics to improve business processes.

ERP Systems enable you to capture information about:

  1. Customers
  2. Invoicing
  3. Procurement
  4. Production planning
  5. Production
  6. Operations
  7. Supply chain
  8. Logistics
  9. Warehouse
  10. Delivery
  11. Returns
  12. Human resources
  13. Financial planning

As the ERP system captures data at different stages of the business, it acts as an information repository for your business. This core component of an ERP system allows you to fully understand bottlenecks, acceleration points, and key drivers of your business.

Top 6 Reasons to Implement ERP Software

  1. Access one source of truth (from Sales to Manufacturing to Delivery of Goods to Returns and Service Management)
  2. Improve capacity and utilisation of people, assets, and processes (by eliminating data duplication, improving data visibility, and offering micro, macro, and co-relational analytics)
  3. Transition enterprise communication from Seeking Information to Driving Progress
  4. Use co-relational analytics to make data-driven decisions
  5. Correlate different parts of the business
  6. Build a growth-oriented culture

1. Build and Access One Source of Truth

The top reason for implementing ERP Software is to build one data pipeline between the most important (or chosen) business processes. Often, ERP is implemented to connect Sales, Supply Chain, Manufacturing, Warehousing, HR, Financials, Delivery of Goods, Logistics, Returns and Service Management. This allows businesses to reduce the need for multiple and individual software applications.

2. Improve Capacity and Utilisation of People, Assets, and Processes

Co-relational data and analytics is a very powerful deliverable of an ERP system. It enables enterprises to co-relate data and information across all business functions. There are amplifying capacity and utilisation benefits in knowing answers to questions like what was promised by the sales team, what is available to deliver, what can be manufactured, and when the goods will be delivered in one system.

3. Transition Enterprise Communication From Seeking Information to Driving Progress

Often, communication with siloed software is around seeking information. Simple questions like what is the order value, material location, instructions to deliver, arrival of a bill of material etc. consume an exceptional amount of time for an Enterprise.

By implementing a single source of data and truth, ERP users can find information within the ERP Software meaning information-seeking communication time is significantly reduced. This gives space for improved communication quality to drive the enterprise forward.

4. Use Co-relational Analytics to Make Data-Driven Decisions

Co-relational analytics and data between different teams open several opportunities to deliver growth, improve utilisation, and optimise costs. Volume leverage, timing leverage, managing peaks and low periods of business, hiring decisions, training, and upskilling decisions can be taken with utmost confidence by unpacking data from your ERP Software.

5. Correlate Different Parts of the Business

An ERP communicates several parts of a business by building a common data pipeline from business functions. The overall understanding of your enterprise goes up for every ERP user. The intangible benefit of deploying an ERP system depends on the quality of hires, training, and overall communication in the business. If done correctly, this results in amplified speed and efficiency of your enterprise.

6. Build a Growth-oriented Culture

ERP Software can set targets for functions such as Sales, Supply Chain, Manufacturing, Warehousing, HR, Financials, Delivery of Goods, Logistics, Returns and Service Management. This enables enterprises to set, monitor, and drive growth.

When Should Organisations Consider Implementing ERP Software?

When businesses consider implementing an ERP system, there is a mix of major drivers and minor drivers.

For instance, there are no set scenarios for implementing ERP Software; billion-dollar businesses have run their core processes on spreadsheets and micro businesses have implemented modern cloud-based ERP systems.

Yet, if there is one reason why most businesses implement ERP Software, it is for greater ‘Reporting, Analytics and Insight’.

People-Based Scenarios to Deploy An ERP System:

  • Provide a single platform to work across different teams and departments
  • Offer structured processes to complete tasks
  • Improve speed of work
  • Record intangible knowledge into systems
  • Take a data-oriented approach to improve people-oriented processes
  • Build a common data repository across different teams

Process and Workflow-Based Reasons to Deploy ERP Software:

  • When a process has more than 5 stages
  • Interdependent and interlinked process involving more than two departments/teams
  • Distant process (for example, the on-site process is dependent on the off-site process)
  • Looped processes where maintaining accuracy with a tolerance is important
  • Collecting data is vital for compliance and efficiency improvement

Objectives, Targets, and KPI-Driven Reasons to Deploy ERP Software:

  • Take data-based decisions to scale, be profitable, and be more efficient
  • Improve speed and accuracy of decision-making
  • Back decisions with data
  • Use data to validate gut-feel-based decisions
  • Improve reporting across the businesses
  • Clarify priorities to drive business momentum

How ERP Software Impacts Different Industries

Businesses implementing ERP Software have multiple operations, each with a specialised area of focus that requires complex planning and reporting. With this in mind, ERP Software is best utilised in industries such as:

  • Manufacturing: Manufacturing ERP systems help manufacturers plan and schedule production, improve product quality, leverage product lifecycle management, optimise supply chain planning, and gain accurate inventory control.
  • Retail/E-Commerce & Distribution: Retailers utilise e-commerce integrations and ERP modules such as order management, warehouse management, customer tracking, and supply chain management to improve control of sales and the customer experience.
  • Healthcare: Hospitals, care homes, blood banks, and more, use ERP systems to manage medical inventories and supplies, digitalise patient records to build centralised patient portals, and create accurate financial forecasts.
  • Construction and Engineering: Construction and engineering operations use integrated ERP applications to track and assign sub-contractors, control the inventory of building materials, plan for resource allocation, and improve project management on a large scale.
  • Banking and Financial Services: ERP systems are used by financial services to control risk management, plan for “what-if” scenarios, secure data management, and track custom relationships.
  • Education: Institutes, schools, and colleges use ERP Software to make sharable information available to parents, students, staff, and teachers, as well as help to build digital student records and improve the availability of educational equipment through resource planning and asset management modules.
  • Food & Beverage: Tailored food and beverage ERP tools use information to analyse and improve food waste management, recipe management, ingredient tracking, and allergen and dietary safety compliance. As well as using warehouse and inventory management modules for storing products with temperature, weight, and date requirements.

Expert Guides For Implementing and Using ERP Software

What Is ERP Integration: Understanding the Methods, Benefits & Risks Involved

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ERP integration is the process of feeding your ERP Software with the data provided by current business day-to-day operational applications. But, for successful integration, there are several methods, process, and challenged to be wary of.

The Risks, Benefits, and 9 Key Stages of a Successful ERP Implementation Plan

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For a business to succeed with the implementation of a modern ERP system, and avoid an expensive crash-and-burn, there is a 9-step process.

Manufacturing ERP Systems: Benefits, Unique Features, and Best Software For Manufacturers

12th Feb 2024

Fighting the constant efficiency battle, manufacturing is the dominant end-user market for ERP, with some 89% of manufacturers from regular surveys using ERP Software. Manufacturers, whether discrete or batch and process, use ERP to remain competitive and drive their business forward.

What Is Cloud ERP & How Are Businesses Benefiting From Its Deployment

28th Feb 2024

The cloud is simply “other company’s compute power.” Together with ERP, the cloud has transformed how businesses operate. CIOs, IT leaders, and other key roles are under pressure to adopt what is a winning formula.

The Benefits and Risks of Mixing or Replacing Your CRM With ERP

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CRM and ERP are the heavyweight tools of the corporate software world. Both boost revenue and improve business performance, but they go about it in very different ways.

How ERP is Driving Small Businesses into a Digital Era

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Just by the name “enterprise resource planning”, small businesses might think that ERP Software is not for them. Yet, any size of business looking to develop and grow in a structured and integrated manner will find that adopting ERP Software creates value and helps it grow in the market.

Best ERP Accounting Software Systems For Long-Term Financial Peace of Mind

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Accounting is a mainstay core function of any business, for strong financial management, taxation, payroll and strategic planning. With an abundance of SaaS solutions available, businesses have a choice; to implement a dedicated accounting system to manage their financial processes, or to opt for a more rounded ERP solution.

ERP vs. MRP: The Benefits & Differences That Affect Manufacturers

8th Dec 2023

Businesses have moved on from a material world to one of data insights and analytics. That’s where ERP improves on the traditional use of manufacturing resource planning, otherwise known as MRP. However, MRP’s dominance in the world’s factories and production facilities challenges the need for ERPs and potentially greater IT complexity.

Mastering a Growing Supply Chain With an ERP Solution

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ERPs can improve all five stages of the supply chain, driving better business efficiency and management of assets to improve the resiliency of an organisation as it grows or meets changing market conditions.

ERP HR Modules: The Perks & Potential Risks of Integrating Human Resource Management

9th Feb 2024

As the Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) market size reaches its expected $49.5 billion worth, organisations are understanding the advantages of integrating all business processes through ERP modules, one being an ERP HR Module.

The Role of AI In ERP & How It's Empowering Accurate Decision-Making

21st Feb 2024

The integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Enterprise Resource Planning Software is widespread, with 65% of CIOs integrating AI into ERP systems in 2022. As of 2024, one in six UK businesses has adopted artificial intelligence technology, with most citing ‘data management and analysis’ as the primary reason. This makes the combination of AI and ERP fitting and somewhat limitless.

Ecommerce ERP Software & Features That Address Online Brand Challenges

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ERP E-commerce integration is utilised to help combat online business challenges and achieve customer service, brand, and sales goals.

FAQs For ERP Software Buyers


How Much Does an ERP System Cost?

  • £2,000 to £15,000 for small business ERP solutions.

  • £15,000 to £50,000 for medium businesses with simple requirements, light customisation and straightforward integration requirements.

  • £50,000 to £150,000 for medium businesses with customisation and integration requirements.

  • £150,000 to £1,000,000 for medium businesses with complex requirements, bespoke development, customisation and two-way (bespoke) integration.

  • £1,000,000 to £10,000,000 for enterprise businesses that have simpler processes.

  • £10,000,000+ for enterprise holding companies with multiple businesses/subsidiaries and complex processes.

The price range is broad because ERP costs depend on two key factors:

1. ERP Requirements

Cost implication factors are:

  • Costs are lower for simple requirements and highest for ERP requirements that require customisation, integration and bespoke development.

  • Niche ERP products built for specific industries often have higher software cost but lower implementation and total usage costs.

2. ERP Data Management and Data Size

Cost implication factors are:

  • ERP process clarity. Simpler processes often relate to lower costs.

  • Data cleansing. During ERP implementation, Data cleansing often adds time and cost components.

  • Data Audit. A hidden gem or blindspot. Companies that audit their data consistently tend to lower their hosting costs and keep the ERP system clean. Total ERP adoption costs are often the lowest for ERP systems with the cleanest data.

  • Data hosting and storage. Public (shared) clouds are often most effective, whereas Private clouds have the highest cost. Load balancing, Server Architecture, Instance deployments, and Security requirements contribute to cost-effectiveness.

  • Data Access. Users, User training, Support structure and how the system is used influence overall ERP adoption costs.

To identify ERP costs for your business, use this ERP Search Assistant.


How Long Should It Take to Implement an ERP System?

The duration of ERP implementation hinges on several factors, but on average can take anywhere between 3 months to 3 years. This timescale largely depends on the size of a company:

3–6 months: Small businesses who opt for an out-of-the-box cloud ERP solution

6–9 months: Medium businesses that require a slightly more customised system

9–18 months: Large organisations with over 1000 users and requiring multiple module integrations

18–36 months: Multinational enterprises that have multiple subsidiaries and therefore may require a two or three-tier ERP deployment

As well as considering the time of an ERP deployment’s lifecycle (planning, design, transition, testing, and post-analysis), other factors play a role in how long implementation can take, including:

  • Required customisations

  • Complexity of a system

  • Migration of existing data from legacy systems

  • Required user training

  • Deployment type (cloud, on-premise, or hybrid)


AI-Infused ERP

AI functionality is a service being offered more regularly with ERP systems. It is used to automate routine processes and adapt and learn to offer an efficient user experience.

The use of AI and Machine Learning (ML) capabilities in ERP Software will largely affect data handling and process automation to improve and speed up overall decision-making.

Common usage of AI in ERP includes:

  • Predictive inventory management through analysing purchasing trends

  • Automated data retrieval and visualisation

  • Dynamic virtual assistants and chatbots that learn with customer relationship management

  • Predictive data analysis

Blockchain for Enhanced Data Security

Blockchain types are built on ledgers to ensure data security and accuracy. As ERP systems are built on and are reliant on core business data, integrating blockchain technology to secure records such as transitions and customer information seems only natural.

Benefits of blockchain and ERP integration include:

  • Greater traceability and transparency of lifecycle data

  • Advanced data encryption for increased security

  • The ability to instantly detect discrepancies or rouge edits to data

ERP vendors such as Microsoft, Oracle, and SAP Cloud are leading the way in developing blockchain platforms for ERP systems and blockchain as a service (BaaS).

Two-Tier ERP Deployment

A two-tier ERP approach is deployed when a core ERP system (Tier 1) is either overly complex or doesn't provide the specialised requirements of business subsidiaries. Therefore, instead of all regions and subsidiaries using one core system, organisations will deploy another ERP solution (Tier 2).

Existing trends include enhanced data visualisation, cloud ERP deployment, mobile ERP, utilising Industry 4.0, and embracing IoT.


What Are the Best ERP Software Products?

Several solutions are considered the best ERP systems among buyers, including:


  • Oracle NetSuite ERP

  • Infor ERP

  • Sage

  • Microsoft Dynamics 365

  • Syspro

However, choosing an ERP system depends on multiple factors like module requirements, number of users, deployment, and customisation abilities. So, what may be the best ERP Software for one organisation, may not be the best for another.

Ultimately several ERP systems come under the category of being ‘the best’, but each one is targeted at different users and markets. For instance, some are for smaller operations while others target multi-national organisations and feature the latest technology with AI and ML-enabled modules.