Easily Shortlist & Compare Asset Tracking Software That Meets Your Equipment, Tools, Inventory, and Vehicle Tagging Requirements

What Type of Assets Do You Want to Track?

Over 1593 Businesses Have Used Comparesoft to Find Asset Tracking Software

What Is Asset Tracking Software?

Asset Tracking Software enables businesses to track all their physical assets in one system by using a tagging system like barcodes, QR codes, RFID tags, NFC tags, or GPS trackers to equipment, inventory, vehicles, and people.

Essentially, Asset Tracking Software is designed to easily and quickly provide an answer to the question; “how much of (asset) do I have and where is it located?”.

A sophisticated asset tracking system provides the features and capabilities to build an asset register that can be accessed anywhere at any time via a mobile or desktop app. That includes asset data such as name, a unique identification number, real-time location, previous users, reservation information, images, and user notes. This helps users to:

  • Track and manage physical assets in real-time
  • Provide accurate stock and inventory levels
  • Gain visibility of assets across multiple locations
  • Reduce costs associated with lost, stolen, or misplaced assets
  • Build a detailed asset register showcasing various asset data

How Does the Asset Tracking Process Work?

The basis of tracking assets is through the use of labels and tags combined with Asset Tracking Software. The way each asset tagging tool operates can vary, but they all ultimately have the same outcome. To start with, each tag assigns a unique identification code to each asset. The process is then broken down into four stages:

  1. Record physical assets into an Asset Tracking Software solution
  2. Input relevant data for each asset (ID, location, user, purchase history, maintenance schedule, etc.)
  3. Tag each asset with a tracking label or tag
  4. Easily monitor and track your assets in real-time

Best Asset Tracking Software Products On Comparesoft


Lime asset tracking software

The Product

A specialised solution for tracking high value, high volume, highly mobile assets.

Ideal For

Organisations looking to capture and convert real-world asset data and distribute it to digital systems

Industry Fit

Manufacturing, Healthcare, Rental & Leasing, Automotive, and Aerospace


From £102 per month

Vision Pro

Vision Pro

The Product

An integrated asset, audit and risk compliance management solution that supports site- and portfolio-level processes.

Ideal For

Organisations looking to enhance operations with live asset, audit and risk compliance data

Industry Fit

Manufacturing, Education, Retail, and Energy


From £295 per month



The Product

An asset tracking and management solution that streamlines asset check-in/check-out and provides ready-made, self-service reporting.

Ideal For

Organisations with 250+ assets or items allocated internally to different user groups and locations

Industry Fit

Manufacturing, Healthcare, Education, IT, Engineering, and Entertainment


From £31 per month for 250 assets or items



The Product

A simple solution for tagging and tracking any asset.

Ideal For

Individuals, teams and departments looking for a self-service asset tracking and management solution

Industry Fit

Engineering, Entertainment, Healthcare, Charities, and Domestic Services


From £21 per month


TracLogik asset tracking system

The Product

A tailored solution for real-time tracking of movable assets and personnel across any location.

Ideal For

Organisations looking to track movable assets in real-time

Industry Fit

Manufacturing, Engineering, Healthcare, Retail, Aerospace, Marine, and Storage


From £100 per month, plus initial hardware costs


The Product

Real-time/live Bluetooth asset tracking with self-service implementation.

Ideal For

Organisations with real-time asset tracking requirements

Industry Fit

Manufacturing, Engineering, Buildings & Facilities, and Industrial Machinery


From £4 per user, per month


Assettrac asset tracking system

The Product

Tailored asset tracking systems with full service implementation and ticketless support.

Ideal For

Organisations with asset location- and status-driven workflows

Industry Fit

Healthcare, Education, IT, Government, and Industrial Machinery


From £2,500 per annum

AssetCloud by Wasp Barcode

AssetCloud by Wasp Barcode

The Product

A complete asset tracking solution designed to adapt, extend and integrate.

Ideal For

Organisations looking for a proven, flexible asset tracking solution that is easy to use and adapt

Industry Fit

Manufacturing, Education, Emergency Services, Food and Beverages, and Entertainment


From £765

What Are the Benefits of Using Asset Tracking Software?

Upgrade Your Asset Tracking Spreadsheets

Replace Outdated Asset Tracking Spreadsheets

Spreadsheets can be a good resource when first starting to track your asset data. But, as a business scales, so does its assets and the data that comes with them. This makes the use of spreadsheets unmanageable as they begin to become a burden; they’re tough to share between team members, they lack advanced features, and they’re susceptible to errors – 88% of spreadsheets contain at least one error.

This is where Asset Tracking Software surpasses the standard spreadsheet. A dedicated asset tracking system provides features that take asset tracking capabilities beyond the use of spreadsheets. Features include customisable fields, real-time updates to inventory levels, attachments for images, manuals and warranties, as well as an organised trail of historical data.

Learn why 90% of users prefer cloud-based asset tracking →

Choose a Tagging Solution That Suits You

Choose a Barcode, RFID, QR Code, NFC, or GPS Tracking Solution That Suits Your Needs

With an asset tracking system, businesses have the choice of using a range of asset tags and labels. These include barcodes, RFID tags, QR codes, NFC tags, and GPS trackers. Each tagging option has its own benefits and suits different tracking environments.

By affixing tags and labels, businesses can ensure the accurate tracking of their physical assets. Whether that be tracking inventory throughout warehouses, tracking the location of tools on a construction site, or tracking staff when working off-site.

See how asset tagging works →

Access Data Anytime, Anywhere with mobile asset tracking software

View, Update, and Export Asset Data From Anywhere With Mobile Access

With modern asset tracking tools, businesses can access asset data from anywhere at any time on a mobile device – something that is limited when using spreadsheets or pen and paper.

Mobile asset tracking capabilities allow off-site users to access an asset register instantly. All through the use of a dedicated cloud-based asset tracking mobile app. Mobile devices with built-in scanners for QR codes and Barcodes can also update data on the go. Eliminating the need to carry around expensive hardware such as scanners.

Discover the benefits of mobile asset tracking →

Store Tons of Data In One Place

Store Locations, Warranties, Purchase Orders, and Other Data In One Place

Having data stored in one accessible asset register makes tracking assets much easier. As opposed to having multiple asset profiles saved across multiple spreadsheets. An asset’s unique profile provides data such as warranties, location, and purchase orders. As well as allowing asset managers to see who is using an asset and when it is due back.

Take Control of Your Inventory

Set Inventory Management Alerts and Stock Level Triggers

By combing tagging tools with an asset register, businesses can set custom triggers for inventory levels. These can be notifications or alerts that are sent to a mobile device with the most productive use of this being for stock control.

Asset Tracking Software also helps to quickly eliminate ghost assets, which prove harmful to costs and productivity. This is done by reviewing the current list of assets you have and then performing a physical audit to compare the two sets of data. Once identified, the ghost asset’s data can be edited to match its current state. And, as a bonus, this process can be instantaneous if using a mobile or handheld device.

Asset tracking systems can also be set up to alert inventory managers when stock is running low. As well as providing instant access to supplier details when it comes time to replenish stock.

See how retailers benefit from better stock control →

Features and Functionalities That Impact Your Asset Tracking Requirements

Set Up Equipment Checkout Systems

Businesses that rely on equipment rental require an effective asset booking system. Particularly in industries such as education and construction. Asset Tracking Software allows users to easily reserve, book, and check out equipment. As well as see equipment availability and receive alerts when equipment is ready.

Checkout systems enable users to book equipment in advance. Helping to reduce the risk of double-booking. It also makes it easier for businesses to follow up on overdue returns. As well as displaying what assets are available to employees via a shared calendar.

Learn more about using a check-in/check-out system →

Access to Planned Maintenance Schedules

With the use of an asset register, all asset maintenance plans are displayed in one place. This includes planned maintenance, preventative maintenance schedules, and previous plans. Having this data helps asset managers to understand when an asset will be unavailable. As well as knowing when equipment is due for repairs.

Generate Barcodes and QR Codes

The best part of using barcodes and QR codes for asset tracking is being able to print your own on-site. As opposed to other alternatives such as RFID tags and GPS trackers. The best asset tracking products allow users to instantly generate barcodes that are unique to an asset, print them off and affix them.

Discover the basics of using barcodes for tracking assets →

Customised Push Notifications and Alerts

Systems can be set up to notify asset managers and staff of certain reminders. Notifications regarding stock levels, live locations, expired warranties, or planned maintenance can be sent via email to mobile devices and desktops.

Track Vehicle Locations With GPS Trackers

The use of GPS trackers allows businesses to get real-time location updates through an RTLS. This is useful for large movable assets such as vehicles and machinery. Trackers are physically attached to a device and emit signals back to an asset tracking system. As well as handheld devices and smartphones.

RTLS tracking benefits several industries including postal and courier services. Enabling owners to track their drivers and delivery routes.

See why GPS trackers are great for fleet tracking →

How Asset Tracking Systems Are Designed to Improve Inventory Management

Although a business’s stock may be limited to just a few hundred assets, preserving and utilising each one is essential for generating revenue. This is why inventory management is critical for all.

With an asset tracking system in place, businesses can reap the benefits of inventory management. Including:

  • Reducing the time it takes to look for assets with real-time tracking
  • Reducing the cost of replacing lost, stolen, or misplaced inventory
  • Preventing spare part shortages
  • Accessing inventory data on mobile devices
  • Tracking stock as it moves between warehouses and stores
  • Accessing stock from point-of-sale (POS) tools

Implementing Asset Tracking Software to improve inventory management is important for all types of businesses that rely on their assets. But, choosing the right system depends on the size of a company and the resources available.

For instance, a large organisation needing to monitor hundreds-of-thousands of expensive assets may choose to opt for a top-of-the-line RFID asset tagging solution. Enabling them to track and monitor multiple assets at once. Whereas a small business may be better implementing a less-expensive barcode label system. As well as choosing a cloud-based Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) product with a low-cost monthly subscription payment model.

How Asset Tracking Software Is Used Across Multiple Industries

Healthcare asset tracking

Healthcare & Hospitals

Medical equipment – such as machinery, medication, medical waste, PPE, and documents – has significant value. This is why implementing an asset tracking system in a healthcare environment is vital. Healthcare Asset Tracking Software reduces spending on missing or stolen equipment. As well as helping to reduce patient wait time and improve the efficiency of patient care.

See how Asset Tracking Software can help healthcare providers →

School asset tracking

Schools & Education

Primary schools, secondary schools, colleges and universities all consist of thousands of assets. From expensive IT assets like computers to small assets such as library books. But, having to work within a limited budget means the replacement of lost or stolen assets can be costly. This is where a school asset tracking system can offer a solution.

construction asset tracking

Construction Sites

Tracking assets across multiple sites can be near impossible without the use of an asset tracking tool. Asset Tracking Software enables site managers to gain visibility of assets both on-site and off-site. As well as reducing equipment delays to speed up crucial projects. Tracking construction assets also helps to reduce equipment theft and loss.

Church asset tracking

Churches & Religious Sites

Churches consist of assets that are essential to ensuring ceremonies go ahead without delay. Access to equipment booking features allow church assets to be rented out to the community. As well as providing visibility as to when an asset was checked out and when it is due back.

Retail asset tracking

Brick & Mortar Retailers

Enhancing the overall customer and POS experience is vital for businesses in the retail industry. One main advantage of implementing retail asset tracking is to take control of your inventory. By storing inventory procurement, disposals and sales in one central system you’re able to gain insight and accuracy into your stock levels. This is achieved most effectively by using IoT devices such as RFID tags and QR/Barcode scanners.